Monday, April 13, 2009

When people steal from you . . .

Make Lemonade. I've been wanting to read this since Read180 last year. But none of my students read it until this year, so I finally got around to it. Pretty good book. I quite like the two main characters. They are a good pair. Strange thing is, I automatically thought they were black. Their names, their circumstances -- I pictured my students. It wasn't till I read reviews on goodreads that I realized race was never assigned to any of the characters. Well done Weulf.

Jolly's story really is so sad. I wonder how real it is though. How many teen pregnancies are non-consensual. As so many teeners on Secret Life blog seem to say, sex is never non-consensual. But Jolly really makes you believe it was. Considering she was homeless and destitute, I wonder if it wasn't some kind of prostitution. But the book never really explains.

I hope Lavaughn makes it to college. I don't know if I hope enough to bother reading the rest of the trilogy. I'm just going to assume she does. Otherwise, it's pretty lame to carry on her story.

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