Monday, July 28, 2008

Nikoline's Choice . . . A bit of Ancestory

So this picture isn't actually the cover of the book, but it's about a pioneer girl and her family (one of which happens to be a little sister). So I thought the picture was appropriate. The best part about this book is . . . drum roll please . . . it's about my ancestors! That's right. It's written by my great-great Aunt Margaret Maw, who I played in the wonderful musical In Our Lovely Deseret. I never knew I had a writer in the family. But I was given these books (it's a three part series) as a graduation gift when I left USU. What a fabulous gift. Possibly the best ever. The books are fictional but it's pretty obvious the Ma and Pa of the book are my great-great grandparents who migrated from Denmark when they joined the Church. In fact there's an inscription on the title page that reads "To Beulah, a grand daughter of the Ma and Pa of this book. Margaret Maw 1947." Beulah is my dad's mother.

It was such a fun easy read. And I already am planning on reading these stories to my children when they are little. I had the blessing of growing up just farms away from the setting of this story, Deseret, Utah; but my children won't be so lucky. So in order to give them an idea of what their ancestors had to do I'll have to read them these books. Then when we visit Delta it will be like putting a place to the story.

It just amazes me how much my great-great-grandpa Nels gave up for the Church. I always knew he had so much Faith and it breaks my heart that so many of his descendants have wondered. I remember a distinct moment on my mission when I thought of this great man and was sure I made him proud. Which is funny because Lena (the main character, Margaret) is always saying her father warns her not to be proud. But my favorite of his quotes was the idea that a bathtub is "the ways of Babylon creeping in." Too funny. Another laugh out loud moment was when he swore to give up coffee after President Taylor came to town and talked about the Word of Wisdom. But a couple weeks later ol' Pa was drinking his coffee again. Guess it's always ran in the family to battle the Word of Wisdom. Just amazes me that he can give up his family, his home, and his money for the Church but not his coffee! What a Petersen.

The story has it sad moments. Pa losses his first claim (or farm) when he forgets to pay the fee on the land. The family lends out their horses for the winter and losses over half of them. Their good friend dies shortly after his family finally joins him from Denmark. And every member of the family sacrifices all their earnings to send Lena to the Academy in Provo. That scene nearly brought tears to my eyes.

Overall it was a great read, but I might be prejudice. I'll have to admit the writing is nothing great. A good kids story, easy for an independent reader. My favorite part about it is I googled some of the titles and found out copies are up on Amazon for $85 to $110. I've got a real treasure on my hands. And I wouldn't give it up for a million bucks.

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