Thursday, July 24, 2008

Couldn't put this one down

I love contemporary fiction. And this one caught my eye almost a year ago. I finally broke down and bought it when I saw my sister-in-law reading it over the holiday. And I'm so glad I did. What a great read. I just wish I could come up with a story so fascinating. I can't even count how many times I yipped and hollered out loud. Ben was getting a kick out of me. I just couldn't stop reading it all day. Every third page made me yelp or laugh. I really wonder how people come up with such compelling stories. I know the author must have done a lot of research about circus life in the 1930's. That's what stops me from being a writer, I just couldn't do all that research, and I'm not that creative either. I'd have to stick to non-fiction writing. And even that requires some research. Someday . . .

Anyway, about the book. Well, I don't even know what to say because I don't want to spoil it for anyone who wants to read it. Not that anyone really reads this blog anyway. As for a literary critique. Great narrator. The voice and tone of the book really pull you in as you read. Good mix of humor and suspense. And I really love that it's an old man telling a story, as he says "I remember it like it was yesterday, hell I remember it better than yesterday." Not only does this story pull you into the circus life, but the chapters where you sit in the nursing home with old man Jacob, you just really feel for the elderly. You realize they're people with great stories and large emotions.

I will say it's a little racy at times. Never for more than a page. Not that that makes it okay. I just wanted to give a fair warning to anyone interested in reading it. Deep down though Jacob's a classy guy. With a real good heart. As for the antagonist. I hate that they give him a mental disorder, as if to say that's the reason for his poor temperament. I know plenty of people with red hot tempers who aren't in need of psychiatric help. And I know plenty of stand up people in need of psychiatric help who are just plain delightful. So I guess in the end it shouldn't bother me. But it did just a little bit. I have nothing else to say. Other than it's a must read, super entertaining, delightfully thrilling; it just doesn't stop surprising you until you turn the last page.


hannah said...

I love your book suggestions, Liz! Anytime I need something to read, I look at your blog. I just read "The Good Earth" and LOVED it. I have a lot of your suggestions on my "to read" list. Thanks!

Laura said...

Very interesting story. I found myself being sucked in. The "racy" parts were a little too racy for me. I would recommend it to others as long as they knew that some of the content is a little risque.