Monday, July 13, 2009

The Potato One

Even though they are never super fulfilling, I usually like pop-literature. With all its cliches, predictability, and lack of diverse characterization; I still enjoyed this. After a rough start it turned into a real page turner. I think I get so anxious with these books cause I want what I can't predict to happen. It didn't. And the tricky thing with this one is that when I looked at all the possible endings none of them made me happy, not even the one where the narrator gets everything she wants (at the loss of other characters).

I think the author tried too hard to have two different heroines in this novel and in the end they're voices were too similar and their lives crossed paths in too creepy of ways. I did however, totally and completely love Elizabeth and several of the people from Guernsey. I only wish this story was based on true characters from the island during the WWII years. I know the author did her research so I'm sure their depictions are accurate of the people and time, but I really wanted the people to be real. I loved them so much. And that is why I continue to read pop-literature, with its many flaws. Those cheesy happy ever afters (whether movie or book) always seem to have characters you relate to and wish were your friends in real life.

What a gem, only three stars, but a gem.

1 comment:

Laura said...

I really liked it. Thanks for lending it to me. I am going to ship you some books as soon as Scott finishes " Sarah's Key"