Saturday, June 7, 2008


This book really has me thinking about all the promises America has made to other countries. Promises we haven't kept. How many times have we convinced an impoverished country to engage in a war with us, while promising them schools, clean water, and all the simple things they need; just to end the war and move on to the next country? i.e Afghanistan to Iraq.

What Greg Mortenson does is truly amazing. I've learned so many wonderful things from him. First, one person can make a huge difference in the lives of thousands. Second, the best way to fight terrorism is education. Third, you can help a culture different from your own without threatening to change that culture. And so much more. He must be the most selfless man in the world. I can't believe the things he has gone through to help other people. He laid in the back of a truck and covered himself with dead goats (which might not sound bad when your life is on the line). He spent months at a time away from his wife and kids. He was practically homeless when he first toyed with the idea to build a school for poor kids in Pakistan. He has done so much to help so many. I can't imagine anyone who has lived a more exciting and rewarding life. What a guy.

I share in his love of Muslim people. I think it is one of the most pure cultures on Earth. The real teachings of Mohammad are love, peace, and a personal relationship with God. I think Islam is a beautiful religion and it's followers are truly prepared to meet God. They have so much faith and devotion. We could all learn so much from them. And they truly are some of the poorest people on Earth. I believe that is why they are so misunderstood. Mortenson points out that one can be easily persuaded to follow jihad if they are offering you the only bread and water you can find. All the more reason for America to keep its promises and help our Muslim brothers and sisters. If they could see us as their Savior's instead of their bullies they wouldn't fall so easily into the traps of radical thinking. This book makes it so clear.

Anyone who has ever equated terrorism with Islam needs to read this book. They need to spend a couple weeks in an Islamic country. If you watch closely, the way a Muslim family lives is no different from the way any family wishes to be. Close and loving, non-worldly.

I give this book five stars. Two thumbs way up. If I were rich I would donate all my money to the CAI. Someday. Maybe I'll be able to help build a school in Afghanistan, or another country America has failed to keep their promises with.

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