I didn't read these ones per say, but I did/am teaching them so here are my thoughts.
I'm not really surprised I hated/didn't get this in high school, but I am surprised that even when I tried to re-read it this summer I still couldn't get through it. After picking up the story through discussion with my students I have realized what a masterpiece it really is. Plus, I rented to movie and then I really saw the beauty.
We had some great discussions on whether or not George did the right thing, how times were different back then wha da wha da wha da. I wish I loved reading the story as much as I love the actual story, but I just don't. So if you're like me and you can't get through the book, go check out the 1995? version of the movie. 90 something anyway. It is excellente!
Now this one, I love. I could read Sharon Draper all day and all night. She is such a page turner, even for adults. And as a teacher I really love how character rich her stories are. You can tell she use to be a teacher, she totally writes books that are perfect for teaching (especially Urban kids). Anyway, it's a 300 pager so I actually read it on tape. First time I've ever done that. It was kind of nice. I'm sure it took thrice as long to get through, but at least it was while I was in the car, multitasking!
I'm still in the process of teaching this one. We've just barely left Africa with Amari. My students are totally depressed by it, but I know Draper did her research and the account of slave trading really is accurate. Unfortunately for my students, it is just going to get more depressing. At least half of them have already finished it. Little Anna told me she was reading it by flashlight when her mom thought she was already asleep. She shouted out in anger and her mom came rushing in to see what her nightmare was about. Ah, to be a teen again.
Seriously, go check this one out of your local library. NOW!